STILL converts first service vehicles to electric drive
"Electrifying" and thoroughly sustainable pilot project
Hamburg, 2 February 2023 - When it comes to sustainability, the Hamburg- based intralogistics provider STILL is once again setting an example: In a pilot project, two service fleet vehicles will initially be converted to electric drive. More are expected to follow once the test phase is completed successfully.

Not only since the "Fridays for Future" demonstrations and the current energy crisis has social awareness for climate protection and sustainability been increasing rapidly. "As a matter of fact, we are being asked more and more frequently by our customers about our sustainability efforts. I am all the more pleased to know that we can answer questions on this topic with a clear conscience," says Frank Müller, Senior Vice President STILL Brand Management. But this awareness at STILL did not merely come about when the topic was the subject of lively debate on all sides. "Rather, it is an integral part of our corporate DNA," Frank Müller continues, "that is why we will not be satisfied with what we have achieved so far. Our goal is zero emissions throughout the entire supply chain.”
"Be electrified!" for real
Back in the middle of last year, the intralogistics provider already set up charging stations for electric vehicles on the premises of its Hamburg headquarters. In keeping with the STILL slogan "Be electrified!", apart from the electrically powered company vehicles, employees and visitors can also charge their electric cars there. The electricity required for the charging stations - like the rest of the electricity, by the way - is supplied by STILL from 'green' sources. " We are thus making an important contribution to reducing CO2 emissions with our charging stations," explains Stefan Sanny, Senior Director Facility Management & Technical Services.
Pilot project pushes sustainability strategy
With the introduction of the first electrically powered service vehicles, STILL is taking the next step in its sustainability strategy. For an initial period of one year, data is to be collected within a pilot project on how these alternative drives are compatible with STILL's service philosophy, which is as ambitious as it is demanding. Stefan Sanny: "During this time, we will gain experience and information that we will then evaluate in great detail. This will give us answers to many of our questions, such as: How well does our service perform in rural areas with a less than ideal charging infrastructure? What ranges can be achieved with the charged vehicles? How do different weather conditions affect the range of the e-vehicles?”
Committed to customers and the environment
Based on this experience, STILL will then decide how to further expand the electrified service fleet in the future. Frank Müller: "However, we will do everything in our power to ensure that we succeed in balancing our sustainability goals with our high service standards. After all, we feel committed to our customers as well as to protecting the environment.”