Suppliers and Partners
Purchasing guide for suppliers to STILL GmbH
To ensure a spirit of partnership and trust with present or new suppliers, the STILL company has defined a tight requirements profile. Central to this policy is that performance and counter-performance, opportunities and risks are balanced against each other. The basis of our purchasing strategy: the high demands that STILL Purchasing makes on suppliers and products are the same as those that our customers make on our products.
STILL buyers select suppliers from the point of view of quality, service (meeting deadlines and development work) plus cost optimisation, and are always keen to build long-term value partnerships.
Because the demands placed on us are characterised by short delivery times and quick adaptation to market forces, we also expect flexibility and an above-average readiness to deliver from our suppliers.
To optimise the value creation chain, STILL operates an integrated supplier management. The bases for this are:
- Early incorporation of our suppliers into the development phase, to be able to grasp and implement recognisable potentials even at this stage.
- The build up of long term relationships with suppliers, who as partners in value creation, not only manufacture individual parts, but increasingly act as suppliers of assemblies or systems.
- In our disposition methods, to do away with individual call-offs and move towards a supply synchronous with production.
- Convert Quality Inspection into a systematic Quality Assurance with early advance information of malfunctions.
- Competitive prices and costs, measured at a world market level.
STILL Purchasing is instructed to support suppliers when carrying out its tasks. Elements of the procurement operation in the supplier-customer relationship are:
Product groups. Quality - Always welcome!
Are you a supplier of the following products and groups of products and do you meet our high requirements on quality and cost effectiveness? Then give us a quotation and profit from STILL's growing success as a company.