
STILL receives two awards for its commitment to vocational guidance for pupils

Strong for the future, strong for STEM

Hamburg, 23 February 2023 - Supporting young people and introducing them to the labour market at an early stage is very important to the Hamburg-based intralogistics company STILL. The long-standing company has now received two awards for its ongoing commitment to career guidance for school pupils: the company seal of approval from SchuleWirtschaft Hamburg for its 'Excellent commitment to career guidance' and the nationwide SchuleWirtschaft special award for 'STEM projects for girls and young women'.

STILL has been awarded the company seal "Excellent commitment to career guidance" by SchuleWirtschaft Hamburg.

For many years, STILL has been very committed to providing career guidance for young people. Particular attention is paid to the so-called STEM professions - that is, those in the fields of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology - and to providing easy access to these diverse occupational fields. To this end, STILL cooperates with around 30 schools in Hamburg, for example, is an active partner at numerous training fairs, and offers a career guidance programme at schools as well as internal training opportunities. Every year, around 120 schoolchildren take part in the varied work experience programme at the STILL plant in Hamburg. In collaboration with nordbord - the STEM club for young people - STILL has also been running regular themed project days for many years. In addition to an introduction to different STEM professions and first practical experience, the focus is on personal contact and encouraging young people to believe in themselves and their own abilities.

For these activities, which go far beyond the company's own recruiting activities, and for its committed and practical collaboration with schools and other institutions, STILL has now been awarded the company seal "Excellent commitment to career guidance" by SchuleWirtschaft Hamburg - an accolade that can only be obtained through a nomination by a collaborating school and a subsequent comprehensive assessment by the expert panel.

Promoting young talent at eye level

"Authenticity, enthusiasm and a sense of being at eye level are very important to us in our contact with young people," emphasises STILL training manager Jan Wehlen. "That's why it's not just our managers or foremen who attend the events, but our interns, trainees and dual students who report from their personal perspective, their experiences and initial project successes. They are the most credible ambassadors we could wish for." Last year, for example, apprentices held a career orientation event at their former school and presented their own project work, among other things - which met with high approval from the pupils and served as a motivating incentive for the apprentices. An average of 60 young adults per year are trained in six apprenticeships and three dual study programmes at STILL, and of the 36 graduates from the class of 2022, all have obtained further employment at STILL.

An award for the entire workforce

Promoting young talent works above all when everyone participates. And thus the current awards are a credit to the entire company and especially to the staff, emphasises Jan Wehlen. "Without our enthusiastic junior staff, their dedication and commitment, we would not reach so many young people and spark interest in the job profiles of our industry." And all other employees also contribute to this enthusiasm by accompanying and supporting interns, trainees and students with a lot of dedication, patience and resources. "No matter which department you are in, at STILL you simply realise that promoting young talent is really put into practice," says Paula Hartmann, who is studying for a dual degree in business administration at STILL. "STILL offers a wide range of departments, depending on your subject area and interests. I have already had the opportunity to get to know many different areas - from production and product management to key account management - and have been thoroughly trained in all of them and quickly involved in practical work. In addition, many further training opportunities and networking events are offered for young professionals."

Special award for 'STEM projects for girls and young women'

STILL also receives recognition at a national level for its commitment to career guidance. With the special award "STEM projects for girls and young women", the nationwide committee of SchuleWirtschaft specifically recognises those projects with which STILL specifically motivates and supports schoolgirls and female graduates to get to grips with STEM professions, to "dare to approach" technical professions and to discover their strengths and talents in technical and scientific areas. Here, too, STILL works closely with "nordbord" and, for example, implements "empowerment seminars" for girls at schools. In these seminars, schoolgirls can experience their first positive encounters with STEM professions, share their experiences and receive direct feedback from company representatives on their strengths and talents. The nationwide jury of experts from SchuleWirtschaft praised this project as a valuable and forward-looking initiative for the entire economy, especially against the background of the shortage of skilled workers in industry and the continuing low proportion of women in technical professions.