a strong brand for a strong brand
Challenges: Environmental responsibility, ergonomics and safety – guarantee of smooth operation in bottling, as well as the upstream and downstream processes.
Solution: The compact dimensions of the industrial trucks and the extreme manoeuvrability of the RX 20 make them ideally suited for fast transport of goods in the drinks industry. It also only uses a small amount of energy and scores point with its high levels of functional reliability. The striking customised vehicle design was also an outstanding feature.
STILL products: The RX 20 electric forklift truck, EXV high-lift pallet truck and the EXU low-lift pallet truck.

a strong brand for a strong brandA strong brand for a strong brand: at the end of December, STILL GmbH, the worldwide leading provider of customised intra-company logistic solutions, handed over ten electric forklift trucks, seven pallet stackers and four pallet trucks to Mast-Jägermeister SE. A special highlight: an exclusive special Jägermeister paintwork for the RX 20 electric forklift trucks.
In 2010, when they briefly changed to a different supplier for the industrial trucks they were using, Jägermeister had already been a satisfied STILL customer for many years. In December 2014, the handover of ten forklift trucks and eleven warehouse technology trucks to Mast-Jägermeister SE marked the continuation of the successful partnership between the two brands. Alongside the quality of the forklift trucks, this is also the result of the high level of commitment displayed by STILL.
“The way in which they worked with us during the entire tendering phase was extremely professional and collaborative. Questions and concerns were always considered, understood and promptly addressed”, according to Jens Kramer, a technical buyer at Jägermeister, and person responsible for the procurement of forklift trucks.
Top performance with top design
A major feature of the new electric forklift truck is the exclusive Jägermeister branding: the orange-coloured stag resplendent on the black background of the forklift, alongside the brand name of the well-known herbal liquor maker. Heinz Brockmann, Regional Head of Sales for STILL Hanover, enthuses, “I have never seen such special paintwork in all my time working for STILL.” “We have found a reliable partner who has supported us during this implementation period, and I think the results speak for themselves”.
The visually opulent forklift trucks are to be utilised at Jägermeister sites in Linden, Wolfenbüttel and Kamenz. Above all, environmental responsibility, ergonomics and safety were central aspects in Jägermeister's decision to use electric forklift trucks provided by STILL. These compact energy savers use considerably less energy than the forklift trucks used thus far. For safety reasons the maximum speed is limited to twelve kilometres per hour. The driver’s seat, with its air suspension and integrated heating, also ensures a high level of comfort. “The forklift trucks are compact, environmentally friendly and have state-of-the-art technology. Furthermore, they are just as comfortable as they are safe for our employees”, says Kramer, showing his confidence in the forklift trucks.
Smooth operations
Bettina Riemenschneider-Schilling, Plant Manager at Jägermeister’s Linden site, is also convinced that they made the right choice with STILL: “Jägermeister is a strong brand. For us in bottling, smooth operation of both the upstream and downstream processes is important. This is why it is reassuring to have found a reliable and capable partner such as STILL to provide our industrial trucks.”
Electric forklift RX 20