Health and Safety is Our Priority
Taking measures to ensure your safety at all times
Information about the corona virus
Which measures STILL uses to secure its business operations and what our customers need to know now.
The fast spread of the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic presents a major challenge to all of us. As part of our trustful partnership, we would like to inform you with this letter about the actions we have taken to safeguard our business activities and protect the health of our customers, employees and business partners.
The situation is currently very dynamic across all countries. Therefore, please consider this letter as a snapshot. Be assured that we are keeping a close eye on the situation. Should things change or should there be developments that concern you, we will inform you directly and comprehensively.
Regardless of the latest developments, protecting our employees, customers and business partners and maintaining our business operations for you is our absolute priority!
Does STILL continue to attend customer appointments?
We will continue to provide our customers and partners with the best possible support and be available for them whenever they need us. We will prefer to handle our consultations via digital communication channels in order to reduce direct physical contact as far as possible (in line with the recommendations of the renowned health organisations). Video conferences in particular are a suitable tool for us to maintain a personal, effective and goal-oriented contact with you. Personal meetings of employees, customers and partners are avoided or postponed whenever possible. If this is not feasible, they are held in compliance with the respective legal regulations and recommendations of the renowned health institutes.
Will service and scheduled appointments for maintenance and repair be held?
Our service technicians are at your side as reliable partners even in these challenging times. As our customers, you can rely on our service contract obligations being met. The supply chains for spare parts are intact. Our technicians are equipped to carry out maintenance and repairs as usual and at best on the first visit. Minor rescheduling cannot be ruled out in individual cases. Should this apply to you, your contact person will contact you directly. Our service technicians have been asked to inform themselves about any special safety measures that may be required by their customers prior to any visit and to act accordingly. In the interest of our employees and our customers, we will try to bundle service concerns in order to avoid several visits to a single customer in a short time.
What internal measures have been taken to protect the workforce and maintain the business?
STILL has reacted quickly, decisively and comprehensively to the spread of Covid-19. Starting with a broad communication activities concerning hygiene and rules for personal contact with colleagues (based on recommendations from prominent health organisations such as the WHO), to establishing central and local crisis management teams, to instructing employees to work from home office wherever possible as well as avoiding face-to-face meetings, we are doing everything in our power to protect our employees, customers and business partners and to safeguard our business. With a dedicated information portal on the STILL intranet and continuous, proactive email communication, we ensure that all our employees are kept as well informed as possible and can therefore be available for our customers in the best possible way.